Monday, July 11, 2011

Q&A: How Do I Become a Travel-Savvy Dresser?

A: Whether it be for a business trip, a wedding, or even a family vacation, there will come a time when your finer clothing needs to take a trip. Take the time to pack smart and avoid wrinkled, worn-looking attire not to mention hours of steaming and ironing upon arriving at your destination. 

Choose the Proper Luggage

Soft luggage affords more flexibility and contains extra compartments, allowing room for more items. Additionally, soft luggage is usually less cumbersome to transport (but make sure it’s waterproof!). 
Hard luggage, however, is much sturdier and provides ample protection from traveling dangers, such as rough baggage handling and the elements. It’s usually stain-resistant and the better choice if you’re traveling with anything fragile.

Think Before You Pack
To avoid over packing, make a list of everything you’ll need. Take weather conditions, length of your trip, and planned activities into consideration. It’s good to be prepared, but even the most skilled packer can’t cram half his wardrobe into a carry-on suitcase.

1. Begin with the heavier items, such as sweaters, athletic attire, and jeans. These items are bulkier and less prone to wrinkles, thus can better withstand being placed on the bottom.

2. Invest in travel trees and cloth bags for your shoes. These items will keep your shoes intact and prevent scuffing. Arrange with the soles out around the edge of your suitcase.

Travel tip: Take advantage of soft accessories like socks and handkerchiefs to pad the rest of your items.
Next come the dress shirts. Roll them from the bottom to the top.  Place tissue paper behind the shirt before rolling it to prevent wrinkles.  Alternate the top of each shirt at either end of the suitcase.

When packing dress pants and trousers, make sure the pleats are aligned before rolling them at the knee to prevent wrinkling. 

5. Jackets are last to be packed and can either be turned inside out and folded lengthwise or folded above the waist, depending on the size of your luggage. 

Travel tip #2: Buy a small can of aerosol to loosen wrinkles upon unpacking. They cut down static and keep shirts looking fresh.
Travel Tip #3: Put all liquids in ziplock bags.

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